Now that Musk kept his promise to make an affordable electric car it is very likely that he will put new energy into is efforts to go to Mars. In analogy with the electric car revolution that he orchestrated also in this field he gets nil or almost nil competition. There was a project called MARS ONE in which TV actors would get a one way ticket to Mars were they are supposed to live and die in some caravans standing out there in the desert. Up to 80.000 volunteers subscribed to this orchestrated suicide. Musk is cleverer and designed a rocket that can fly back, provided the colonists cater for fuel. Besides that he designed a large rocket allowing for a massive amount of people to go to Mars, thus enabling them to create a city and a society instead of the dull campsite of MARS ONE. Now that Mush realized his affordable electric car, it is stunning that NASA, ESA, the Chinese, Indians and Russians are not taking the man seriously. It is clear that Musk goes on and that his success will make al these heavily subsidized organizations as superfluous as Tesla makes FCA, the Fiat Chrysler consortium that has publicly stated to minimize any investment in electric or even hybrid cars. Nobody will bet long term investments on FCA and the same will logically happen to NASA, ESA and their likes. These organizations sent LEGO like robots to the planets and their circling moons at a rate of 1 per year. They operate a kind of space campsite in the lowest possible orbit of our own planet having no ambition or whatsoever other than carefully understanding how the human body behaves in low gravity surroundings.
The lack of ambition irritates Musk, a man who does not write books and therefore using interviews we have to understand why he is not happy with the speed of light of NASA, ESA or the Russians. His most stunning argument was that he felt sad for man-kind if we are stuck on this planet and that he wants create a daily smile on our faces by the thought that we are exploring new worlds. Basically Musk said that we are depressed, since the last moon landing. We are only busy making our lives difficult by fighting endless wars in which we grab land from our neighbors or even, worse, resources and people. Depressed people are often aggressive and especially our lack of will to take care of each other and the other animals is stunning, especially seen the fact that we now have the technology to green deserts, cure children, and educate people.
Basically Musk hopes that by flying to Mars and by setting an ambition we might be able to set priorities right is stead of fighting wars over worn out religious concepts, ideologies and limited resources. The fact that his challenge remains unanswered proves more and more our depressive state of mind in which he, for some people, like a kind of prophet, can enlighten us. Some reactions every now and then occur, especially on other transportation dreams of Musk. For example, the Hyperloop idea was not appreciated by many authors, as well as the incorporation of Solarcity into Tesla. Critics remain mainly of financial concern, analysts are preoccupied with the direction of the TSLA curves at the stock market, and unwillingly they confirm a deep moral depression. Greed is our main drive, not big ideas.
Apart from the silence of NASA and ESA we also have the silence of the UN. Colonizing MARS is a mayor legal and political issue. If we colonize Mars like we did with the America’s, grab what you can, before the competition arrives, than we basically are creating motives for new wars, but now in outer space. I would expect huge efforts from the UN to make a legal framework for colonizing Mars, since we know, Musk does not stop, is specializing in the exploration part and will open up the new world for both the good and bad guys that humanity encompasses.
Our track record for colonization is pretty bad. With large difficulty we did not screw up Antarctica, and still most seas, oceans, deserts and remaining wild lands are subject to the rule of the jungle. Meaning that indigenous people mostly make no stand, where states and/or the UN should protect them against our greed. Let alone rights of other living beings such as whales, sharks or gorilla’s. The two other areas’ owned by everybody, the Ocean and the Atmosphere are not managed at all, and they absolutely set a not nice example for Mars, if we start colonizing the planet. Assuming that there is no life on Mars, does that mean that the first people arriving there can just claim the place? If we find mineral resources, who owns them? Can we mine them? Now that I took it onto the UN many will say, that this organization is busy with reaching the millennium goals and helping in various conflict areas in the Middle East and Central Africa. And it is true that with the current state of the world it is quite arrogant to invest money in going to Mars, just to realize our explorers’ ambition. Yet the problems the UN rightly tackles are mostly man made and there is little to no progress in halting the stupidity of warfare and ruthless exploitation.
The third group of establishment that remains far too silent is our moral and religious leadership. It is clear that successful exploration of Mars and the multiplanatary species that Musk is trying to create, makes the tales of religions even more worn out than they are already since Galileo, Darwin, Einstein and Crick. It is questionable whether they can withstand this fifth attack on their credibility since we are more and more becoming Gods ourselves. The silence of the Church, the Mullahs and even the Dalai Lama regarding the subject is strange; they owe their believers an insight in the morality of a multi planet species.
The moral and economic leaders Musk is challenging more directly, by his advocacy for a Universal Basic Income (UBI). Yes you read it right. Universal. Whether you live on Mars, Mexico, the US, Canada, Senegal, Sweden or Nigeria, we all receive the same income upon which you are free to earn more. The wall Trump is building and the virtual wall the Europeans are building in the Mediterranean all become tourist attractions before they are even finished.
Musk needs the UBI in order to withstand the outflow of workers from the more and more robotized industry. But he is also investing in Artificial Intelligence, which, apart from potentially dangerous, according to Musk, has also the capacity to make intelligent jobs obsolete, leaving everybody without capital in the limb. This enormous idea of a UBI, has the potential to create a society so different of the society we know now, that one would expect that after Musk stating that it is inevitable in order to avoid violent revolutions, the whole economic and moral community would jump onto the idea, adjust their models and predictions and come up with objections or advocacies. And, yes in Finland small experiments take place and some Canadian cities are thinking of it. A Belgium writer wrote a book on the issue, and he is calling for more experiments. Switzerland even held a referendum on the issue, not universal, but only for them. The basic income idea got around 30 percent of the vote. It seems like paradise, no exaggerated welfare administration, broken marriages lead not any more to endless financial legal fights and the writer, van Reybroek, expects that nobody wants to do anymore so-called bullshit jobs. Those are jobs that give no moral satisfaction. Yet, apart from academic discussions, also this topic leads to an awful silence in Davos or other places where the powerful meet, as if the idea can only be thought of, once the UBI has to be realized within 3 days.
Trump bullies a bit trans genders, Erdogan throws some teachers in jail and Putin annexes another worn-out mine area to his far too small Russian homeland. Europe is kept busy with a complete non-issue, Brexit in an ever-globalizing world. The Brexiteers want to globalize even more than the European Union, trying to be some kind of Big Channel Island, home for financial buccaneers. We all help as little as we can the Curds to finish off ISIS and once the whole area is changed into rubble we will betray their loyalty again. Thus showing that a people always need a territory in order to survive in our limited world order. Oh, yeah and sometimes we care about Africa or South America, especially for their wild animals. What I portray is our obsession with trivialities, sometimes-important issues, but globally speaking trivialities making us incompetent to think out of the box, regarding the economic framework of our society. Leaders as Erdogan, Putin, Trump and Johnson use and create these trivialities to keep us busy and they are very good at it.
Again I return to my topic that the state of the world, in moral and political leadership is deplorable. Since the death of Mandela and the demission of Obama we have to rely on a successful businessman to imagine our future. And if he does, he only encounters a blatant silence, a hope that we can cash in on our old ideas as long as we can.
The consequence of the ongoing work of Musk is that;
- We urgently need social experiments to fine-tune the idea of a Universal Basic Income,
- We urgently need a Universal Army to defend our common grounds such as Antarctica, the Artic, the Oceans and the wild life areas on land,
- We urgently need an ordering mechanism to defend the Shared Atmosphere and the Shared Waters from our greed,
- We urgently need a Universal legal framework, in which especially self-learning Artificial Intelligence can function,
- We urgently need a Legal mechanism to colonise Mars
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